Portfolio – N Solutions https://narayanasolutions.in Our work defines our vision Mon, 28 Nov 2022 16:36:58 +0000 en-US hourly 1 https://wordpress.org/?v=6.1.7 https://narayanasolutions.in/wp-content/uploads/2022/11/cropped-nsolutions-32x32.png Portfolio – N Solutions https://narayanasolutions.in 32 32 212911963 Content Marketing https://narayanasolutions.in/portfolio-items/content-marketing/ https://narayanasolutions.in/portfolio-items/content-marketing/#respond Wed, 10 Sep 2014 19:10:24 +0000 https://avada.theme-fusion.com/?post_type=avada_portfolio&p=10867

The World Should Be This Responsive

Content Marketing—A Better Way

Today, a firm can communicate its expertise in a more direct and engaging way. And in the process, it can reach a much larger audience. Buyers get to know a firm and its approach to problem solving in a much more intimate way, so they understand what they will be getting before they make an inquiry.

The key to building these virtual relationships is content marketing, an online strategy that elevates thought leadership through the routine publication of free valuable educational content and using that content to attract new leads, nurture existing leads and build preference for the firm.

When a firm writes about topics that are relevant to its target clients, it accomplishes three things:

  1. Demonstrates a deep understanding of issues its prospects care about
  2. Engages its audience
  3. Builds trust.

Design Should Be User Friendly

And It Should Be …

Simply Beautiful

https://narayanasolutions.in/portfolio-items/content-marketing/feed/ 0 10867
Data and Web Analytics https://narayanasolutions.in/portfolio-items/data-and-web-analytics/ https://narayanasolutions.in/portfolio-items/data-and-web-analytics/#respond Wed, 10 Sep 2014 19:10:23 +0000 https://avada.theme-fusion.com/?post_type=avada_portfolio&p=10865

Project Brief

At N Solutions, we help you enhance the effectiveness of your marketing campaigns and the way in which they target your audience by presenting you with easy-to-understand information on the performance of your website. We create straightforward, accessible reports with executive summaries that you can use to gain important insights and share with the various members of your organization, including your C-suite executives.

Our Strategy

N Solutions will continue to review the metrics on a weekly or monthly basis to ensure they remain relevant and adapt your website to reflect new business goals, web redesigns, new products, new site features, shifting preferences of your target audience, and any other changes that can impact the performance of your campaign.

Our Process

At N Solutions, we develop a customized process based on the unique needs and goals of your business. The details at each step will vary depending on your business, but we are guided by our many years of experience in the field helping businesses of all kinds improve their marketing campaign with high-performing website

Conceuptual Design Samples

The Skills Needed To Produce Brand Excellence


We’ll discuss the various elements of your business to determine your marketing goals, which then allows us to identify what metrics and information will be most relevant to you.

Create Dashboard

When you work with N Solutions, you will have constant access to a custom website dashboard and reports with valuable data on your site performance.


After creating your dashboard, we thoroughly review what we’ve developed thus far and present you with an executive summary and the completed dashboard.


Reviewing what we’ve accomplished so far allows us the chance to make any necessary adjustments and improvements. During the refinement stage, we also address any feedback we’ve received from you about our services.

Final Result & Client Satisfaction

https://narayanasolutions.in/portfolio-items/data-and-web-analytics/feed/ 0 10865
Social Media Marketing https://narayanasolutions.in/portfolio-items/social-media-marketing/ https://narayanasolutions.in/portfolio-items/social-media-marketing/#respond Wed, 10 Sep 2014 18:34:46 +0000 https://avada.theme-fusion.com_demos/portfolio/?post_type=avada_portfolio&p=12451

When you join us for your digital social media marketing optimization, you will leverage the latest social media marketing services and next-gen tools like Brand24, Semrush, and Social Mention. Our young creative team is always brimming with ideas that lead to compelling strategies crafted to draw high engagement on multiple social media channels with the expertise of one of the finest social media marketing companies in india.

Our experience as a performance-driven social media marketing agency in Pune of more than a decade enables you to create a community on various social platforms, strengthen the relationship with your target audience, maintain a high brand recall, and position yourself as a thought leader in the industry. With the expertise of a leading social media marketing company in Pune, we carry out extensive sentiment analysis to develop a social media plan that engages your audience with informative and engaging content through trending mediums and formats

https://narayanasolutions.in/portfolio-items/social-media-marketing/feed/ 0 12451
Website Design https://narayanasolutions.in/portfolio-items/website-design/ https://narayanasolutions.in/portfolio-items/website-design/#respond Wed, 10 Sep 2014 18:34:46 +0000 https://avada.theme-fusion.com/?post_type=avada_portfolio&p=10825

Creating a digital presence doesn’t mean simply building a website and waiting for customers to approach your brand. Your website is your company’s online foundation. It serves as your primary customer touchpoint and conversion machine. As such, you must ensure it ranks high in search engines, stands out from the competition and relates to your visitors’ intentions.

Statistics reveal that website design and navigation influence 94 percent of first impressions. Search engines also favor websites with responsive web design and well-structured web content. What’s more, 75 percent of site credibility comes from web page design.

As a business owner, it is critical that you maintain a responsive website design to appeal to search engines and online users. You must ensure your target customers see a legit business platform when they search for your company online. Otherwise, you risk losing trust from your prospective clients and dissuade them from engaging with your brand.

Invest in responsive website design and build trust and confidence in your brand offerings. Our web design company provides SEO-friendly website design services that aim to boost your search rankings, increase your online exposure and convert page visitors into paying customers.

https://narayanasolutions.in/portfolio-items/website-design/feed/ 0 10825
Search Engine Optimisation (SEO) https://narayanasolutions.in/portfolio-items/search-engine-optimisation-seo/ https://narayanasolutions.in/portfolio-items/search-engine-optimisation-seo/#respond Wed, 10 Sep 2014 18:34:42 +0000 https://avada.theme-fusion.com/?post_type=avada_portfolio&p=10845

We help you define your SEO objectives & develop a realistic strategy with you. You may have in-house marketing teams who require support & guidance, or you may need us to be your full SEO team. We work in both ways & advise on the best approach.

Solid keyword & market research help guide SEO strategy and allow us to provide realistic projections and forecasts of opportunity within your market. We don’t make wild estimations or promises we can’t keep.

We analyse your website’s structure, internal architecture & other key elements that are weighted within the search engines algorithms to provide recommendations for improved relevancy & alignment in targeting your keywords. We advise on all aspects of SEO, from site migrations to schema & more.

Link Building is outdated terminology for marketing online. It’s often forgotten or not given the level of expertise & time it deserves, but links are still the fundamental signal used within scoring. Today ‘link building’ encompasses content marketing, PR & outreach to get people talking about your brand.

https://narayanasolutions.in/portfolio-items/search-engine-optimisation-seo/feed/ 0 10845
Paid Search (PPC) https://narayanasolutions.in/portfolio-items/paid-search-ppc/ https://narayanasolutions.in/portfolio-items/paid-search-ppc/#respond Wed, 10 Sep 2014 18:34:40 +0000 https://avada.theme-fusion.com/?post_type=avada_portfolio&p=10847

Research & Strategy

Our PPC marketing process begins with thorough keyword discovery and competitive research. Sharing this research in a client strategy session allows for a deeper understanding on all sides and better results.

Account Configuration

Maximum PPC account performance requires optimal set-up. From location settings to keywords, to choosing the best bid strategy – we take a holistic approach and choose the right options.

Ongoing Optimization

From weekly reporting to A/B ad copy testing, we incorporate tenets of the scientific method like observation, measurement and examination to constantly optimize PPC campaigns and improve results.

Paid Social

LinkedIn, Facebook, Instagram and Twitter offer a dizzying array of advertising options. Our goal-oriented campaigns focus on precise audience targeting and impactful messaging.

Display Advertising

Display ads help broaden your reach. The key to success? Creating a winning combination of imagery and messaging, along with the right targeting to reach your audience.

Paid Search

Your ads should appear where potential customers are already looking. Our experience in Google Ads and Bing Search runs deep, ensuring more efficient and effective campaigns.

https://narayanasolutions.in/portfolio-items/paid-search-ppc/feed/ 0 10847
Email Marketing https://narayanasolutions.in/portfolio-items/email-marketing-2/ https://narayanasolutions.in/portfolio-items/email-marketing-2/#respond Wed, 10 Sep 2014 18:34:38 +0000 https://avada.theme-fusion.com/?post_type=avada_portfolio&p=10850

Email Marketing Services Agency

Of all of the available digital marketing channels, email provides you with the maximum return on your investment. Do it right with N Solutions, your email marketing agency partner, a full-service email marketing agency. We help you plan, build, and execute all kinds of email marketing and CRM campaigns — newsletters, products, promotional or transactional.

The Agency with Top Email Marketing Services

N Solutions is a full-service email marketing agency focused on using email marketing as a growth strategy for our clients. We work hand in hand with your in-house team to ensure you’re able to leverage the strengths of both sides, innovate and continue to grow. Ride on our expertise and knowledge to discover new ways of expanding your software and internet business.

N Solutions is one of the top email marketing companies.

How to approach Email marketing? Do it right. Do it with the best.

We focus on delivering successful email campaigns on your behalf – campaigns that help engage prospects, drive traffic and sales and retain customers. And we don’t just help you execute email programs. We bring innovation to your email marketing and provide strategic recommendations to make it a revenue-generating channel.

What’s included in our Email Marketing Services?

N Solutions is an email marketing company that manages end to end operations of your email business. We work as your email marketing consultant to create and develop campaigns that always open newer ways to engage your audience and customers. Our email marketing team is very hands-on and works with you to develop, improve, and expand your email channel through segmentation, personalization and advanced targeting. We understand the latest email marketing trends, most advanced technologies, various privacy laws and own proven methods to build scalable email campaigns, including the whole of strategy, automation, fulfillment and reporting & analytics. Our email marketing service includes collaborating with the client to understand project scope, come up with an email strategy and define requirements around campaign management, segmentation and list management.

Why choose N Solutions over others to avail of Email Marketing Services?

We’ll make sure together we can accomplish extensive campaign creation plans and data management processes across all your marketing systems and produce integrated, cross-channel marketing campaigns, using the marketing cloud of your choice. Work with our team of email marketing specialists to create all kind of campaigns: welcome automation, cart abandonment, marketing promo messages, cold email campaigns, prospect marketing campaigns, customer win-back campaigns and more. Our focus is an approach that’s centered around driving results and outcomes coupled with marketing automation, email best practices, and metrics-driven thinking.

https://narayanasolutions.in/portfolio-items/email-marketing-2/feed/ 0 10850
Display advertising https://narayanasolutions.in/portfolio-items/display-advertising/ https://narayanasolutions.in/portfolio-items/display-advertising/#respond Wed, 10 Sep 2014 18:34:36 +0000 https://avada.theme-fusion.com/?post_type=avada_portfolio&p=10853

What is display advertising?

Display advertising, or display marketing, is the overall term used for visual ads displayed across the internet. These types of adverts generally take the form of images, videos and even GIFs.

Google display ads appear across the entire Google Display Network meaning they have the opportunity to appear on various websites where your target audience may already be browsing the internet.

Outside of Google advertising, you can also create display ads through other advertising platforms such as Facebook Ads Manager. Facebook’s advertising platform allows you to create display ads that will appear across the Facebook Audience Network of partner apps and websites. When using the display ad format with YouTube advertising, your display ad will appear next to the platform’s video player.

Why use display advertising?

With internet use increasing day by day – there are now over 4.66 billion internet users worldwide – it is no surprise that the internet is one of the best places to advertise your business.

The digital age has given people the convenience to shop online in a few clicks without having to leave the house. As a result, using display advertising can be a powerful way to reach your target audience.

By allowing your business to show up in the places where your audience is already active online, display advertising can do things that search cannot. Because the Google Display Network is so vast, engaging in display marketing can be risky for your business — if you’re not careful, you can potentially waste a lot of ad spend with display advertising.

However, there are so many benefits of display advertising and, if you are confident in display advertising, you have the opportunity to transform your PPC strategy.

Display ads have the potential to significantly improve your brand awareness thanks to their eye-catching visual format. With display marketing, you can strengthen brand consistency and visibility, nurture leads, track performance, and support the success of your other PPC activity – to name just a few of the benefits.

https://narayanasolutions.in/portfolio-items/display-advertising/feed/ 0 10853