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What is display advertising?

Display advertising, or display marketing, is the overall term used for visual ads displayed across the internet. These types of adverts generally take the form of images, videos and even GIFs.

Google display ads appear across the entire Google Display Network meaning they have the opportunity to appear on various websites where your target audience may already be browsing the internet.

Outside of Google advertising, you can also create display ads through other advertising platforms such as Facebook Ads Manager. Facebook’s advertising platform allows you to create display ads that will appear across the Facebook Audience Network of partner apps and websites. When using the display ad format with YouTube advertising, your display ad will appear next to the platform’s video player.

Why use display advertising?

With internet use increasing day by day – there are now over 4.66 billion internet users worldwide – it is no surprise that the internet is one of the best places to advertise your business.

The digital age has given people the convenience to shop online in a few clicks without having to leave the house. As a result, using display advertising can be a powerful way to reach your target audience.

By allowing your business to show up in the places where your audience is already active online, display advertising can do things that search cannot. Because the Google Display Network is so vast, engaging in display marketing can be risky for your business — if you’re not careful, you can potentially waste a lot of ad spend with display advertising.

However, there are so many benefits of display advertising and, if you are confident in display advertising, you have the opportunity to transform your PPC strategy.

Display ads have the potential to significantly improve your brand awareness thanks to their eye-catching visual format. With display marketing, you can strengthen brand consistency and visibility, nurture leads, track performance, and support the success of your other PPC activity – to name just a few of the benefits.